jeudi 18 mars 2010

Fwd: Programme du débat Modernité On/Off du 29 mars

Objet : Programme du débat Modernité On/Off du 29 mars
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SYD_imageLe Forum d'Action Modernités présente
Petite sirène contre vilaines sorcières
Un conte pour enfants de l'après-Copenhague

Lundi 29 mars à 19h30 au Théâtre du Rond-Point

Participez à cette soirée-débat ! 
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Sur les questions de réchauffement climatique, deux sorcières occupent le devant de la scène. Le choc entre ceux qui seraient conscients des urgences et ceux qui se banderaient les yeux. Le fossé entre les super-puissances que sont les Etats-Unis et la Chine, et les points de vue des autres nations, européennes ou non. 
Un troisième clivage oppose ceux qui ont porté la prise de conscience des enjeux d'environnement et ceux qui pensent que les menaces sont devenues trop sérieuses pour être laissées aux écologistes. Que va devenir la petite sirène d'une croyance dans la marche vers une Terre-Patrie ? Où va l'espoir d'une nouvelle modernité après le sommet de Copenhague ?

Le débat, animé par Philippe Lemoine, s'articulera en 3 temps :

  • Le paradoxe du 4x4
    L'enjeu du climat se définit par rapport à une échéance où se jouerait l'avenir de l'humanité. Les écologistes se sont toujours inscrits dans une logique politique où les préoccupations citoyennes conduisaient à privilégier les démarches progressives et "bottom-up".
    Où en sont les écologistes pour ce qui est de leur capacité à porter dans le débat politique une approche originale et pertinente sur un sujet aussi massif par rapport à d'autres enjeux très locaux ?
  • Autorités mondiales et controverses scientifiques
    La question des expertises et des controverses entre "réchauffistes" et "climato-sceptiques".
    Quelles transformations connaissent les rapports sciences/sociétés dans un monde globalisé où de nouvelles formes de grouvernance s'instituent avec l'émergence d'autorités mondiales telles que le GIEC? Où peut résider aujourd'hui le pouvoir mondial d'alerte?
  • Vent d'Etat, citoyens debout !
    Où en est le débat d'idées entre les tenants d'un retour au leadership des Etats et les tenants d'une ouverture écologique porteuse d'une force de modernité? Despotisme ou radicalisation citoyenne dans un cadre politique décentralisé?

Avec le concours de Jean-Michel Besnier (philosophe, chercheur au CNRS), Cécile Duflot (secrétaire nationale des Verts), Serge Galam (physicien, chercheur en "sociophysique"), Jean Jouzel (vice-président du GIEC), Eloi Laurent (économiste à l'OFCE), Alice Le Roy (militante écologiste), Edgar Morin(sociologue et philosophe), Dominique Nora (journaliste au Nouvel Observateur),  et en vidéo, Daniel Cohn-Bendit (député Verts européen) et Lord AnthonyGiddens (sociologue).

Côté artistique, avec la complicité de Jean-Michel Ribes, les performances de:
Hélios Azoulay, Camille Boitel, Frédéric Ferrer et Sébastien Laurier (Cie Vertical Détour), Arthur Ribo

Participation libre, réservation nécessaire :

Accueil à partir de 19h00
Théâtre du Rond-Point
2 bis, avenue Franklin D. Roosvelt - 75008 Paris

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Forum d'Action Modernités 
Fondation sous l'égide de la Fondation de France
Une initiative de

Fwd: A New Focus for Renaissance2

Objet : A New Focus for Renaissance2

  R2 Logo  
  Newsletter Week #11

Since we launched Renaissance2 at the end of 2008, and the R2 Global Meshwork on 1 May 2009, we've attracted an exceptional community of leaders, innovators, change agents, consultants, entrepreneurs and visionaries. In this time we've gone from zero to nearly 700 members in Renaissance2 and 335 talented professionals active on the meshwork.

We've met over 400 of you in person at R2 events during this time, and learned much about your needs, aspirations and gifts. Now we are about to expand on that process dramatically, to enable you to accelerate and deepen your personal and professional development during 2010 and beyond, making the Renaissance2 community a worldshifting force-for-beneficial-change.

For those of you who have been actively engaged in R2 projects and events, you've told us that you are:
  • nourished and motivated by the people you meet,

  • empowered by fresh perspectives from R2 experts and your peers,

  • inspired by powerful connections which bring personal, professional and business benefits to you and your organizations,

  • engaged and developed by the projects you have been a part of, some of which are beginning to bear fruit and a few about to yield major opportunities

  • excited about future events and programs planned by R2.

Renaissance2 catalyzes and supports the opportunities and projects you are passionate about. We also bring together a selection of the 700 incredible innovators, leaders, mavericks and change agents in R2 twice a year in Perpignan for the WorldShift Leadership Circle and the Great Shift Gathering.

Right now we are picking up the pace on the preparations for the Worldshift Leadership Circle Event, from May 27 to 29 in Perpignan, France.

Fresh Perspectives, Inspired Connections & Fruitful Outcomes
  • What are leading innovators and change agents doing now to create a thriving future?
  • How can you accelerate your own project or venture to make a shift in one or more of the key areas needed for a thriving future?
  • If you are already working in an organization, how can you catalyze some of the significant shifts required to move your organization forward? 
To download a full pdf brochure for this event, click here (260k)
(Includes an earlybird discount of 20% )

This video trailer gives you a taste of the groundbreaking events in Brussels and London where we piloted the WorldShift Leadership Circle. The response from participants was enthusiastic. The next big step is bringing you together with these incredible innovators, leaders, mavericks and change agents in Perpignan together with active R2 members from 30 countries.

Over the course of the three-day event, producers of Leonardo DiCaprio's film "The 11th Hour" will be capturing and recording event participants, invited guest luminaries and inspiring keynote addresses for a new Hollywood film called "Renaissance 2.0."

Click here to find out how to qualify for your personal invitation to this event.


"I enjoyed the day immensely – these are the right people at the right time, with the right process to turn vision into reality"

"I gained a valuable sense of the Renaissance2 community as a basis for the power of change from the bottom-up"

"We did more in one day than many others do in a year"

"It was nourishing to be around such inspiring people"

Over the past six months we have been working on a development plan for Renaissance2. (See for an overview). From our research and dialogues with members and partners, we've formulated three new service prototypes which we will pilot during the second quarter of 2010. They are:
As a member of Renaissance2, you signed up as someone interested in change and personal growth. You, and others like you, are already a force for good in the world, and most of the members of R2 we've met want to know: "How can I be more effective as an agent of beneficial change, make a good living, and also enhance my life in the process?". There cannot be growth without change, yet we all find change uncomfortable, if not difficult and often painful.

EvolveNow brings together the life coaches, trainers and mentors in and around Renaissance2 to provide a community of practice for personal development. The methods involved range from integral to inter-developmental to conscious evolution and beyond, underpinned by the integral operating system which takes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lines of development into account at all levels of development using all the quadrants as a context. The R2 Personal Alignment Wheel provides this integration within an individual's life context.

We have set aside a special track during the R2 WorldShift Leadership Circle event in May called "DeepCoach", where practitioners and students alike can explore and co-create the future of this critical field as well as the service line within R2 based on the personal alignment wheel diagnostic.
Click here to join the DEEPCOACH Group for the WorldShift Leadership Circle event, and tell us how personal development, counseling, training and coaching need to develop in the future.
Professional and leadership development is closely linked to personal development, but takes one's professional context as the focus for development and alignment. The context is usually a career in a profession, practice or a specific organization, and it is the resonance and alignment between one's personal state and aspirations, and the requirements of the context which are the focal point for TransLead work.

Following this logic of alignment between the professional context and the individual, leadership development is practiced as a part of professional development within this context, rather than in a generalized fashion. Leading whom from what to what, where and why, is where the rubber hits the road and real shifts can take place.

We have set aside a special track during the R2 WorldShift Leadership Circle event in May called "TransLead", where practitioners and students alike can explore and co-create the future of this critical field as well as the service line within R2 based on the alignment wheel diagnostic. Within R2 we also focus on developing "TransActivist" forms of leadership, focused on co-creation that transcends and includes multiple perspectives and interests through values-based generative conversations that deliver real results.
Click here to join the TRANSLEAD Group for the WorldShift Leadership Circle event, and tell us how professional and leadership development need to develop in the future.
Organizational development and strategy work, no matter how "enlightened" in intent, is usually delivered in the same context as traditional management approaches: one-size fits all, top-down, through a dominator hierarchy, from a conventional perspective which treats the individual as a "black-box" requiring carrot and stick motivation, and the organization as a closed system. Given this mismatch it is no surprise that 4 out of 5 organizational change programs fail to meet their objectives, and that 4 out of 5 new ventures fail within three years...

Equally important, the life-cycle of ventures and organizations needs to be taken into account from incubating new enterprises through to renewing mature giants who have stalled. Each stage requires a very different mix of skills and perspectives. Collective genius is only possible when we align the needs of a particular stage of organizational development with the capabilities, values and skills of a specific leadership group, in a sustainable way. There is simply no universal "right way" to lead, manage and develop organizations, despite the 1001 management fads selling themselves to us on a daily basis.

We have set aside a special track during the R2 WorldShift Leadership Circle event in May called "MeshOrg", where practitioners and students alike can explore and co-create the future of this critical field as well as the service line within R2 based on the organizational alignment wheel diagnostic.
Click here to join the MESHORG Group for the WorldShift Leadership Circle event, and tell us how professional and leadership development need to develop in the future.

A One Day Intensive with Andrew Cohen EnlightenNext Centre in London 27 March 2010

Cultural visionary and spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen will be giving a day intensive at the EnlightenNext Centre in Islington on Saturday, 27 March, from 10:30am to 6:00pm. Entitled The Next Step: Cultivating New Spiritual Values for our Culture, the intensive is designed for those who are already acquainted with the principles of evolutionary spirituality as well as those who are newcomers to this rapidly growing field. Internationally recognized for his teaching of Evolutionary Enlightenment—an integration of traditional spiritual insights with the contemporary understanding that we live in an evolving universe—Cohen will set the context for liberating the highest and best part of ourselves. Engaging, profound, and unabashedly positive, this day intensive offers a way to unite spiritual wisdom with the passion of living a deeply creative and meaningful life.

To register or for further details:

e-mail:; 020 7288 7000. The EnlightenNext Centre is located a short walk from the Angel tube station in Islington at: 13 Windsor Street, London N1 8QG.


Fresh Perspectives, Inspired Connections & Fruitful Outcomes
To download a full pdf brochure for this event, click here (260k)
(Includes an earlybird discount of 20% )
With best wishes,
The R2 Team

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Renaissance2 Social Innovation Catalyst
15, rue Guillaume Apollinaire
66000 Perpignan

Tel.: 0033 4 68 64 45 72

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Si l'apocalypse arrive, les "Preppers" ont tout prévu | The Observers

Rencontre Technique de la Communauté Economie Sociale et Solidaire,entreprendre-autrement-accompagnement-creation-activite.htm

Programme et inscription

Vendredi 26 mars 2010 - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (Paris Porte d’Italie)
Inscription jusqu'au 19 mars 2010.

Printemps pour une économie équitable

3e édition : du 21 mars 2010 au 21 juin 2010

liste des évènements du Printemps (à jour du 15 mars)

Appel à projets Égalité professionnelle Femmes Hommes

Politiques et Religions face à l'avenir

Colloque organisé par le Studium Saint-Jean sous les patronages de l’Unesco et du Conseil pontifical de la culture

Les 19 et 20 mars 2010 à l’Unesco, 125 avenue de Suffren – 75007 Paris
Renseignements et inscriptions : - 06 64 62 30 91

Conférences à Paris et Bruxelles sur les Sciences de la Conscience (sciences noétiques) avec Marilyn Schlitz

Paris - Conférence le 14 avril 2010 : "Comment les sciences de la conscience contribuent à la mutation en cours"

Avec Marilyn Schlitz, Présidente de l'Institut des Sciences Noétiques (USA), conférence animée par Patrice van Eersel, en partenariat avec le magazine Nouvelles Clés et le Club de Budapest France
Plus d'info et inscription

Bruxelles - conférence le 15 avril 2010 : "La science au secours de la spiritualité"

Avec Marilyn Schlitz, Présidente de l'Institut des Sciences Noétiques (USA), Thomas d'Ansembourg, auteur, en partenariat avec Philosophie & Management et le soutien de Tetra.
Plus d'info et inscription