vendredi 29 août 2014

Fwd: Annonce de l'Association l'échappée belle

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Fwd: Be a Peace Builder: International Day of Peace

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Be a Peace Builder: International Day of Peace

Dear Reader,

To some, the idea of world peace seems cliche', an idealistic fantasy. In the mainstream media we encounter a world awash in violence, division and the threat of mutual oblivion. We see the unrest and terrible suffering.

Most of the world's 'peace work' is unreported however – in the countless NGOs working to address the underlying causes of conflict, in communities working at every scale to create more resilient peaceful lives; and in each of us who rejects violence, commits to a path of inner peace, or simply 'touches peace' regularly in the beauty of nature, the play of children, the wonder of a star-filled sky. Then there is the peace work of the earth itself, quietly transforming from one season to the next, growing, giving, regenerating. Peace is not a destination or a goal, it is the road we travel, or as the Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh says, 'peace is every step'.

The International Day of Peace (IDP) on September 21 is our moment to honor all these efforts and shed light on some of them for others to see. Kosmos Journal Editor, Nancy Roof participated in the initial meetings at the United Nations to establish the International Day of Peace more than 30 years ago. Along with Kosmos author, Avon Mattison, founder of Pathways to Peace, they were inspired with the global possibility of developing non-violent means to end conflicts and establish the foundations for building a culture of peace. The IDP has grown and now there are many events happening worldwide. We have listed a number of them in this newsletter.

It is sure to be an historic day with the People's Climate March coinciding in New York City. The connection between peace and sustainability are well documented. Peace has a lot to do with making sure communities everywhere have reliable sources of food, water and energy and can live free from fear.

Last September, Nancy Roof was invited to address the UN's High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace. This year the honor belongs to our Project Director, Dot Maver. Dot's address will be featured in the Fall/Winter edition of Kosmos Journal. You can read Nancy's address here in the newsletter. We have also included an essay on the need for interfaith cooperation by Dena Merriam, essential in this climate of religious conflict.

All are invited to participate some way in this year's International Day of Peace. Just to sit in peace, light a candle – it's enough. And if you feel compelled to join an event, gather in a peaceful vigil, or roll up your sleeves and commit to peace work, we encourage you. It may not be reported on the evening news, but you are making history, or more importantly, building our future.

Deepest peace,


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We have gathered a resource list of numerous International Day of Peace events from around the world. Check the websites cited frequently for updates and changes as IDP nears.

This is an edited version of the talk Nancy Roof gave at the High-Level Forum on September 6, 2013 at the UN.

'Thank you for inviting me to speak on the topic of a culture of peace—the number one concern of all humanity. We are here because we care. We care that people around the globe are in fear, are in pain and suffering. We are motivated by our deep love of humanity and all life.'

Dena Merriam is founder of the Global Peace Initiative for Women, a former member of the board of Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions and the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy. She is co-chair of the Millennium World Peace Summit, the first summit held at the United Nations General Assembly for more than 1,500 of the world's religious leaders.

"There is no greater need now than cultivating a global understanding of human unity. Faith communities should lead this effort as our spiritual values, such as compassion, love, and peace, are universal and can bring us together as a human community. Why then is this so problematic for many religious leaders today? Why is religious identity more important than human identity at a time when the problems we face, such as climate change and growing economic inequity, are global and can only be solved through collective efforts? "

by Eddie Bautista, for Earth Island Journal

People's Climate March in New York City aims to mobilize mass action on the climate crisis

Social justice doesn't often result from spontaneous demonstrations or an impulsive rush to the streets. It comes from long-term investments in organizing, community building, and grassroots campaigns. Activism requires a lot more meetings than marches.

But now and then, it's the right time for a march. And on the issue of climate justice, we've come to such a time. The New York City Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA), a network of community-based organizations in low-income communities of color throughout NYC, has joined together with organizations around the world to call for a People's Climate March this September 20-21 right here in NYC. So start lacing up your marching shoes and I'll explain why now is the time for action.

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Fwd: Rendez-vous les 11 et 12 septembre à Bordeaux

Rendez-vous les 11 et 12 septembre à Bordeaux
12éme Université d'été de la communication  pour le développement durable
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Le 11 septembre 2014 s'ouvrira la douzième université d'été de la communication pour le développement durable.
Durant deux jours, un programme riche porté par des experts reconnus ...

Temps importants de l'Université d'été de la communication pour le développement durable, les ateliers de coproduction permettent à partir de visions d'experts et d'un travail collaboratif, d'élaborer des propositions opérationnelles, de définir des méthodes de mise en œuvre, de réunir les énergies.
Pour ces 15 ateliers simultanés, nous avons mis au point une méthodologie sur 2 heures, ce sera le jeudi 11 septembre en début d'après-midi. Pour cette édition de septembre 2014, autour du thème global Nouveaux mythes, nouveaux imaginaires, 15 thèmes ont été choisis et attendent vos contributions… Engagez la conversation sur la communication, la mobilisation, le climat, les déchets, les territoires, les agendas21, l'internet, l'art, l'énergie, la RSE, l'innovation… 

Parmi les experts actifs : André Hémard, Vice-président CSR, groupe Pernod-Ricard ; Michel Derdevet, Secrétaire général d'ERDF ; Bruno Marion, prospectiviste, auteur de « Chaos, mode d'emploi »; Sarah Schonfeld, responsable climat et développement urbain, Cités Unies ; Didier Livio, Président de Synergence ; Stépanie Savel, Présidente de la plateforme d'equity-crowdfinding WiSEED ; Michel Doucin, secrétaire général de la Plateforme nationale RSE ; Emmanuelle Latouche, Directrice adjointe en charge du Pôle Climat du CERDD (Nord Pas-de-Calais) ; Dorie Bruyas, co-Présidente Fréquence Écoles ; Naziha Mestaoui, artiste et architecte ; Frédéric Rorai, Aesia Studio, Président de Bordeaux Games ; Caroline Grand, direction du développement durable et de la participation de la CUB (Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux), Marcel Desvergnes…

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    Rendez-vous à Bordeaux ! et bonne rentrée …
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