mardi 27 juillet 2010

Fwd: Tamera Newsletter July 2010

Photo: Delia Wöhlert
July 2010

Dear Friends of Tamera,

Shortly before the start of the Summeruniversity, we like to inform you about the current state of some of our projects.
he last three months the community had a real strong time : people from 14 nationalities took part in different global education programmes about creating communities,
the planetary theory, Sepp Holzer´s Permaculture concept and about the construction of a biogas plant.
It was moving to see, how people search for research projects to study and train the possibility of alternative life models. Some of the participants said: " One has to come here to understand the complexity of this model."

News from Tamera
Tamera Support Circle: 1000 supporters until the end of 2012!
In order to develop further, Tamera has initiated a wide ring of support which carries the basis for the global projects of Tamera. We invite all friends of Tamera to join in. Take part by donating monthly a sum of your choice! Our goal is: 1000 supporters until the end of 2012!
In the establishment of Tamera we enter a new order of magnitude: The project is developing into a planetary centre for a future without war, a research centre for the realisation of global peace models and for the dissolution of the historical trauma of mankind. Ever more people and groups worldwide wish to co-operate with Tamera and to participate in the peace and healing knowledge investigated here.
Therefore, we want to develop Tamera much further until the end of 2012. The substantial basic pillars included in this are the education project "Global Campus", the School of the Future, directed by Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels, the research of alternative energy technology in the Test Field for a SolarVillage, the completion of the water landscape into an ecological paradise of co-operation with nature.
All these intended projects need a stable basic budget, from which the basic costs of the infrastructure, the training enterprise and all running costs are covered. The employees of Tamera offer their work free of charge. Beyond that they have committed themselves to adjust deficits in the basic budget personally and therefore to accept paid work outside Tamera as well. To make a further development possible a wider ring of support is to be developed, which jointly carries the basis for the global projects of Tamera.
Therefore our goal is: 1000 supporters by end of the year 2012!
We would like to invite you to join the Big Ring. With a monthly contribution in the amount of your choice you become part of the realisation and part of the increasing planetary community, which will bring peace models into being worldwide.
A new book portraying Tamera!
We would like to introduce to you a project we are presently working on - a book on Tamera!
Its title will be: Tamera - a Model for the Future.

We are aiming to introduce the book to the public on September 4th of this year. It is written by Leila Dregger and published by the MEIGA Publishing House. It will be a multicolored book with text and many photos on 136 pages and will be available n German, English and Portuguiese. The book is to convey the model character of Tamera, above all in the areas of ecology, technology and education and as part of a global peace network. The price of the book will be EUR 19.80. Those who will order the book up to September 4th, 2010, will enjoy to receive it at a subscription price of EUR 15.-- (plus postage).

Training for ecological knowledge for the future:
A basic seminar with Sepp Holzer from 3rd to 5th September

The SolarVillage Testfield kitchen for Refinement invites A warm welcome to this seminar from 3rd to 5th of September! It will provide you with an insight into the basic way of thinking and working of Holzer´s Permaculture.
The seminar is going to take place in a peak time of ecological manifestation in Tamera:
Sepp Holzer's idea to install a ring tube for alive drinking water including an irrigation water storage pond are (amongst other things) planned to be put into practise during this time.
Subsequent to the seminar the Ecology Team invites you for a traineeship in our permaculture or at the ongoing water pipe construction site for one week or longer.
(with translation into Portuguese and English)

Open Summer in August: Month of Harvest - Harvesting, Refining and Processing Nature's Abundance
The SolarVillage Testfield kitchen for Refinement invites to process Mother Earth's fruit for storage.
The harvesting is accompanied by communual gatherings in the "Aldeia da Luz" (Village of Light).
Please participate minimum one week.


Kind regards from the summer in Portugal.

The Tamera community

(Please send us an Email should you no longer want to receive our monthly Tamera Newsletter.)

Fwd: Documentaire Arte sur "L'emballage qui tue", ce soir à 21h20

Objet : Documentaire Arte sur "L'emballage qui tue", ce soir à 21h20


J'ai le plaisir de vous informer que la chaine publique Arte diffusera ce soir, 27 juillet à 21h20, un reportage intitulé L'emballage qui tue. Ce reportage mettra en évidence la toxicité des "micro-déchets" et proposera des solutions par l'éco-conception. Il présentera, notamment, comment l'approche Cradle to Cradle peut répondre à cette problématique.

Synopsis du documentaire (43 minutes) :
A l'heure où les produits longue conservation sont de plus en plus prisés, les clients ne soupçonnent pas l'existence de substances dangereuses dans les emballages hermétiques et dans les aliments avec lesquels ils sont en contact. C'est le cas du Bisphénol A, que l'on trouve dans les contenants en plastique rigide et qui peut provoquer des maladies cardiaques ou affaiblir le système immunitaire. Même risque avec les phtalates utilisés pour plastifier les matériaux servant au conditionnement. Agissant comme des hormones, ils peuvent entraîner la stérilité chez les hommes. Nombre de produits figurent sur la liste des substances interdites par l'Union européenne, mais celle-ci importe massivement des produits venus d'Asie, où les réglementations ne sont guère restrictives.

Bien sincèrement,

Eric Allodi

77, rue La Boétie
75008 Paris