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- Groupe : Harvard Business Review
- Sujet : Sheryl Sandberg, Bestsellers, and Top How-Tos - Harvard Business Review LinkedIn Group March Newsletter
Dear HBR LinkedIn Group members,
It's been a very exciting few weeks for Harvard Business Review Press as we've had not one but two new books hit the bestseller lists. "Conscious Capitalism" by Whole Foods Co-CEO John Mackey and Raj Sisodia sets the bar for a new vision for businesses and their higher purpose ( ), while "Playing to Win" by former P&G CEO A.G. Lafley and Rotman School dean Roger Martin shows you how to build your winning business strategy from the ground up ( ). Check them out!
Here are some of our other March goings-on:
Sheryl Sandberg recently spoke with HBR Editor in Chief Adi Ignatius about work-life balance, the likeability gap, and barriers for women who want to achieve leadership roles.
"Write E-Mails That People Won't Ignore" is quickly proving to be the most popular in Bryan Garner's series of HBR blog posts on business communication.
Want to sell more? Our editors have gathered sales advice from some of the world's top business profs, consultants, trainers, and sales managers into one short, practical ebook.
Lots of "how-to" questions this month, with some good answers:
How to deal with unreasonable people…without getting angry! -- Advice to follow in business and in life.
How to address time management -- Anastasia Bagryantseva's question has yielded some great, granular tips, including advice about task management software and rubrics to keep you focused.
How to measure productivity – members are suggesting good metrics to use and also warning of the pitfalls of using the wrong KPIs.
Thanks again for all of your contributions and conversations this month!
The HBR LinkedIn Team
Ania (writing), Erica, Tracy, and Lauren
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samedi 16 mars 2013
Fwd: Sheryl Sandberg, Bestsellers, and Top How-Tos - Harvard Business Review LinkedIn Group March Newsletter
Fwd: Tamera Newsletter March 2013
Dieter Duhm, Founder of Tamera
Tamera Newsletter (click here to read online) March 2013
Dear friends of Tamera,
Dear co-workers of the world!
We send you our best wishes from Tamera. We greet you with hope that this global insanity will soon come to an end. Many things that are happening in the world are still so bad that we feel forced to develop ever stronger methods for its healing. In Tamera, we are going through a time of intensive planning which will continue until the end of April. On the 1st of May, a "new Tamera" shall start. We hope that we will then be ready to welcome all our guests and students.
The world is involved in a war between the forces of life and those of organized destruction. Together, we have to overcome the organized powers of destruction with an organized power of peace that is firmly connected with the sacred matrix of life, and therefore stronger than violence.
As you know, we are working intensively on the topics of sexuality, love and partnership to find solutions. Global misery in love demands a new answer, as there cannot be peace in the world as long as there is war in love. We can say the same thing about water: There cannot be peace in the world as long as the water issue has not been solved. What love means to human beings, water means to nature. We have to act when we see that, in many parts of the world, thousands of villages are starving, because large corporations have deprived them of water. The new civilization is based on a new way of handling those two basic matters of life. Healing of water and healing of love are central to our present work. We are facing very timely tasks: How do we found a global love school and how do we open a water project for Southern Portugal ("thousand lakes for the Alentejo")? At the same time, we are surrounded by the misery of our neighborhood. The powers of globalization (EU and Troika) are taking away the most elementary resources from the people. Some of them are living at the edge of starvation and need help. We are challenged at many fronts, not to mention the fate of the animals in the neighborhood. They also need our help.
We are developing concepts for a nonviolent future. This can only happen when it is carried by a global network. To spread these thoughts globally, we are working on creating a Global Campus and a School Terra Nova (former School of the Future). There are basic texts for both projects . We are trying to give a humane direction to the global revolution which we are in. For this, we need all kinds of support and funding. We ask you to please help it to succeed. Maybe my next two new texts, "Terra Nova" and "Healing of Love" will give you an idea of the comprehensive work that we are doing.
1. 'Terra Nova'
2. 'Healing of Love' (soon to be published)
Dr. Dieter Duhm
Photos from left to right: Tamera University, sculpture of Mary at the lake, Auditorium and almond blossoming, Sabine Lichtenfels
News from Tamera University:
The Tamera University now consists of three departments: The Ecological School, directed by Bernd Müller, the Love School, directed by Sabine Lichtenfels, and the Thinking School, directed by Dieter Duhm. The seminars and symposia of these departments build the start of this year´ Tamera University:
1) Global Love School - 5 - 15 May, with Sabine Lichtenfels
This seminar (only on invitation) is addressed to globally working teachers who want to develop a sustainable ethic in the area of love and sexuality.
In June and October, Sabine Lichtenfels will give two public seminars, more about them in our seminar calendar.
Sabine Lichtenfels wrote a manifesto for the foundation of a Global Love School, which you can read here.
Please watch this 18 minutes Video with an extraordinary speach by Sabine Lichtenfels about love and community which she gave on the Green Phoenix conference in Switzerland. (English subtitles):
Sabine Lichtenfels´new nlog for the Ring of Power:
2) Thinking School 'Science of Transformation' 20 -29 May
The seminar is addressed to international peace workers who want to understand why and how humans and the earth can be healed (see introduction) and how to create meeting places for sharing this knowledge.
3) Third International Water Symposium 7 -9 June
Tamera's Third International Water Symposium will take place with the title "Water Retention Landscapes: A pathway towards sustainable and decentralized water management. Again, we will receive international speakers, decision makers, and practitioners. This time, we will focus on the plan to build a regional model "Alentejo," which is able to stop the ongoing desertification in Southern Portugal and create a sustainable food sovreignty. In this way, a model for the world could develop in Portugal.
Seminars at the Tamera University, overview
The complete seminar and event calendar for Tamera 2013, with all opportunities to visit and get to know Tamera
More News from Tamera:
Escola da Esperanca / School of Hope: As part of the "Travelling School," the children of Tamera went on an educational trip to Berlin. They became students for two weeks in the „Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum, ESBZ." The other pupils gave the Tamera children a very open and warmhearted reception. After overcoming their initial shyness, our children found their own ways in the complex, alternative learning system. In addition to their other topics in Berlin were City Life and Breakdancing. Our new cooperation partners felt resonance with our idea to organize an Educational Symposium in Tamera. More on this in the next newsletter. Photos, travel report, and soon a film.
Autonomy project in Tamera: At the end of a rich, rainy winter, Tamera is green, most lakes are full of water, and fruit and vegetables are growing on the newly built shore terraces,a good base for the autonomy project and the ongoing reforestation of the property. An enlarged ecology team has worked in the gardens through the entire winter to turn Tamera into a model for regional food autonomy. We expect that we can harvest the majority of our vegetable supply from our own edible landscapes. Beyond that, we plan to build a processing kitchen and new storage rooms, probably starting in April. Tamera's ecology team invites all interested people to gain ecological knowledge through practical work from May 1st - October 23rd.
Tamera Support Circle: We thank all those who have recently entered the Tamera Support Circle. This has been a great support for our basic costs, as Tamera does not receive public funding. The campaign "1000 supporters for Tamera" continues. Please become keepers of the dream by entering with a monthly donation of your choice. Support Circle.
Beyond that, Tamera is looking for donors who want to invest larger funding into the research areas. Invest in Peace
News from the Network:
Global Campus: The Global Campus is a network and training program of groups and initiatives that put the teachings of the School Terra Nova into practice by creating future models and peace communities.
Peace Community San José de Apartadó, Colombia: Since 2011, the partnership between Tamera and the Peace Community has been evolving towards a deeper and more continuous cooperation. As a result, a small group of community members from Tamera and friends will live and work in Mulatos for several months in order to support the development of the Mulatos Peace Village project. On March 23rd, the Commemoration Day which marks the 16th anniversary of the founding of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, Laure Luciani, Vera Kleinhammes, and Patrick Rudolph, will join the community for two weeks. They will prepare the continuous presence and technical training program. Afterwards they will visit a new community in Mexico which is to become another education place of the Global Campus. Read more here.
OTEPIC, Kenya: In the last years, Philip Munyasia has been able to make big steps in developing his self-help project for food sovreignty and community, supported by Tamera and its friends. He is now able to buy a site for a model farm where he wants to create an Ecovillage called, "EcoLife Project." Since February, Tamera coworkers Martin Funk and Chryssa Sotiraki have been working with OTEPIC to equip the new workshop with solar technology, build the first biogas plant and help to create more Permaculture school gardens. More about OTEPIC:
Favela da Paz and Living Gaia: Uli Stempel and Ulrike Krampen, two close friends of Tamera, have been in Brazil for several months to visit and support the project Favela da Paz in Sao Paulo and Living Gaia in Alto Paraiso. In the Favela, they have built decentralized solar devices for warm water and electricity and have given seminars about urban permaculture.
Peace Research Village Middle East: The PRV-ME, a Community Experiment in which the group will grow to 15-20 people, will start a 6 months. This time will include participation in all aspects of life as a core group, working together in different mixed teams: fundraising, PR and networking, house holding, gardening, a water project and the nourishment of our spirits, minds and hearts as a community. It will include participation in internal study time, Forums, art times, language lessons, intensive courses and journeys to cooperation partners and other communities. It will run from June until the end of November 2013, and it will include the preparation and the participation in the international event (i.e. pilgrimage or music time) planned for this autumn.
The community experiment is open for the friends of the project who are already familiar already with the group and with the vision of the PRV-ME and who have already studied in Tamera. For more information please contact: Campus Portugal: Portugal is a country with great ecological and social potential, but at the same time, it is a country in crisis. Global capitalism and the powers of globalization have run the people into misery. EU policy has torn people away from their traditions of regional subsistence. The people have no trust in the government. On March 2nd, 1 million people again demonstrated against the Troika. That isone out of every 10 Portuguese. However, most of them know that protesting is not enough.They are looking for solutions which will make them autonomous. Young people want to go and live in the countryside, but they lack the knowledge of how to create an economically and ecologically independent life and revitalize the villages. In this situation, Tamera has started to cooperate in the neighborhood, as well as in regional networks, to share knowledge about autonomy in water, energy and food, and in creating communities.
GEN Conference Juli 7 - 12, 2013. This year´s conference of the Global Ecovillage Network of Europe will take place in the Center of Unity Schweibenalp, Switzerland. In some countries, you can still apply for travelling costs and conference fee through the EU Grundtvig Fund. Information:
We greet all our friends in the world!
The Community of TameP.S.1: Don´t forget our campaign: 1000 supporters for Tamera! With a monthly contribution in the amount of your choice you become part of the realisation and part of the increasing planetary community, which will bring peace models into being worldwide. More:
P.S. 2: The School Terra Nova - former School of the Future: You can take part at the peace study, by receiving and studying the texts: Please write to:
P.S. 3: Please send us a mail should you no longer wish to receive our newsletter.
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Fwd: March 2013 Integral Leadership Review and Particles
Integral Leadership Review and ILR ParticlesMarch 2013
Executive summaries, leadership cartoon and leadership crossword puzzle, all in ILR Particles – a quick and fun way to review the fresh perspectives and reports found in Integral Leadership Review.
This Issue of Integral Leadership Review
• Highly recommended: Edward Kelly's first in a series of articles on Warren Buffett's development as a leader.• Integral Politics through from the perspectives of Dr. Don Beck, Terry Patten and Alfonso Montouri.• Articles by McCaslin, Netzer, Burbank and Ratner on different aspects of development for leadership.• Notes from the Field: Egypt, Germany, France, Canada, UK and the US.
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