vendredi 22 mars 2013

Fwd: Participez au débat sur l'énergie !

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L'énergie, c'est notre choix : impliquons-nous !

L'énergie n'est pas "un secteur parmi d'autres", mais le sang des milliards de machines qui travaillent désormais à notre place, partout et tout le temps, avec une puissance moyenne 500 fois supérieure à celle de nos propres muscles. Tout en nous libérant, il nous a fragilisé en augmentant notre dépendance à son égard.

Pourquoi s'en préoccuper davantage aujourd'hui ?
Parce que c'est maintenant que la France va acter ses investissements dans le domaine de l'énergie pour les 20 prochaines années.
Pour associer les différents acteurs à ces choix, l'Etat a choisi, lors de la conférence environnementale, d'organiser un débat national sur la transition énergétique. Pour cet enjeu central qui nous engage sur le long terme, la Fondation s'est mobilisée pour que l'implication active des citoyens soit prise en compte. Aujourd'hui vous avez la possibilité de participer à la phase de concertation qui s'ouvre jusqu'en juin.

Comment s'informer sur l'énergie ?

  • Quelles sont les principales sources d'énergie, comment repenser sa façon de consommer et de produire l'énergie ? Toutes les réponses à vos questions sur :
  • Comment établir collectivement les choix énergétiques de la France et quelles priorités pour les guider ? Des analyses et propositions à retrouver dans nos publications.
  • Quelles sont nos propositions pour construire la transition énergétique ?
  • Et pour suivre l'actualité relative à l'énergie, consultez nos billets de blog consacrés au sujet

Comment s'informer sur l'énergie ? En ouverture de la Semaine du développement durable, les Journées de l'Énergie du 29 au 31 mars 2013 sont dédiées à la transition énergétique. Trois jours où entreprises de l'énergie et collectivités sont invitées à ouvrir les portes de leurs installations au grand public. Autant d'occasions pour mieux comprendre les questions d'énergie et entrer de plain pied dans le débat national. Découvrez le programme des journées en cliquant ici

    Comment s'informer sur l'énergie ?

    S'informer, s'immerger, contribuer, participer, autant d'opportunités pour vous impliquer sur un sujet qui nous engage pour les 20 prochaines années.

    D'avance merci pour votre participation.

    L'équipe de la Fondation Nicolas Hulot

    s'informer sur l'énergie
    s'informer sur l'énergie
    les journées de l'énergie
    s'informer sur l'énergie
    participer au débat sur l'énergie
    s'informer sur l'énergie
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    Fwd: Findhorn Foundation News - March 2013

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    Findhorn Foundation
    Image from Findhorn
    Let Peace Begin with Me

    Hello everyone

    The daffodils and the snow are playing games with each other at Findhorn but it is indeed spring equinox in Scotland and clocks are going back from, or forward into, summertime in many parts of the world. I like to notice the solstices and equinoxes, the passing of the seasons, the flow of dark and light. I also like to notice the intelligence of nature in its endless and effortless rhythms and remind myself that in the seasons of my own life I don't need to try so hard to get somewhere.

    NatureLand135Whether you are feeling summer turning into autumn or winter to spring, may you feel the life force running through the earth, the buds, the leaves falling, the jungle steaming, and through you. Your days may be lengthening or shortening, but we are all part of the one impulse to live a conscious life of interconnection.

    This brings me back to what is essentially Findhorn and the issues of purpose and meaning, action and surrender, how to align ourselves with life and the rest of nature, how to be authentic and serve something bigger than ourselves – issues that we all face every day.

    I guess that's why Experience Week has been so successful since 1974. It's a week that addresses all these issues and its effects can last a lifetime! The tens of thousands of past participants, including many of you, are living examples of this intention to change the world from the inside out. My week in 1992 (with 20 people from 14 countries) addressed my emptiness and despair and my deep yearning to experience and live the oneness of life, to trust my innate wisdom because it is part of that oneness, to experience peace and to truly connect with people from all over the world.

    EVT2012-1Experience Week starts almost every Saturday and now happens in seven languages with many different versions including Family Experience Week and Youth Experience Week. Expect a miracle!

    My miracle began in a tiny seed-like way so it was great that over the years I could return for Spiritual Practice, Exploring Community Life or a week in a service department. I love that there are no teachers or students at Findhorn – we all wake up and grow with each other in a safe and sometimes deeply challenging way – just what I needed (and still benefit from).

    I never expected to spend three months in the Living in Community Guest Programme (LCG) but an inner impulse decided otherwise. LCG is in four-week segments and is a great way to work with your own purpose (mine was simply to soften and be at peace) and integrate more fully with the community. It was such fun and I was supported in the confrontative moments with lightness and love.

    cluny018Another option is Spiritual Deepening, Living from Purpose and Soul, a 12-week experiential engagement with your inner connection and with the community – a stimulating and heart-opening commitment to being the change you want to see in the world!

    If you want to spend more time at Findhorn but 12 weeks away from home is not an option we have something for you: Findhorn Intensive offers six residential weeks over 15 months with support and mentoring in between; Incarnational Spirituality – An approach to Living Whole is three separate weeks between April and November and includes live streaming with David Spangler.

    Many people who have participated in Experience Week and three months of LCG return for the Living Essentials Apprentice Programme (LEAP), for two to six months, and then, for six months to two years. This is a true leap into service and self-exploration, and may lead to becoming Findhorn Foundation staff.

    I lived a materially affluent life in my earlier years, but in some ways I was half starved. Findhorn gave, and still gives me, a deep nourishment that fills an emptiness not satisfied by travel, relationships or endless consuming.

    BreadThere is a special opportunity to experience this deep nourishment 22–28 June. These seven days include a three-day Taste of Findhorn followed by Communal Pathways to Sustainable Living, the conference of the International Communal Studies Association. This is a one-off opportunity to participate in a mini Experience Week and engage with people from communities all over the world. For a full list of the amazing variety of themes, presenters and optional tours, visit our website using the link above.

    Easter is just around the corner and whatever its significance for you, it remains a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal.

    In keeping with this I leave you with words from one of my favourite people, David Spangler, taken from his recent newsletter.

    Despair and fear are a form of sleep-walking. They may claim to be awake and realistically aware of the world as it is. But they are wrong. Fear and despair see only inertia and inevitability. They are asleep to the full range of life's power to find ways not only to survive but to succeed. They do not see that we and the world form a dynamic system that, being alive and filled with spirit, can change.

    To be awake in our world today is not simply to see the dangers that beset us or the threats that surround us. It is to be awake to a fiery hope based not on wishful thinking but on the powerful reality of who we are as embodied spirit. It is to be awake to our potential, to the life we're leading, to the changes we can make, and to the power within us to make a difference. Whether that difference is large or small is less important than that we throw off the sleep of indifference and impotency, habit and despair, and wake to our power to love, a power that enables hope to turn into positive action.

    With a sense of sisterhood/brotherhood and of the difference we can make.
    With peace and softness.
    And with contagious love and laughter.

    Yvonne Cuneo
    for the Communications Team

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    21 March 2013
    »Spirit of the Future - support the work of the Findhorn Foundation
    »Diversify Your Income Training Opportunity
    »Communion with Spirit through Song
    »Findhorn is Nominated for Kindred Spirit Award!
    Voting closes end of March
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    Findhorn Foundation, The Park, Findhorn, Morayshire, Scotland, IV36 3TZ • Scottish Charity Number SC007233 Copyright and Credits

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    Are you ready to immerse yourself in the depth and dynamism of integral at its theoretical and practical best ?

    Mark Forman,

    Take a look! Here's the daily schedule of presenters we've lined-up for ITC 2013:

    Friday, July 19th
    Saturday, July 20th
    Sunday, July 21st

    Which presentations are your must-sees? The talent and diversity of our presenters and the richness of the material gives our attendees a huge array of choices.

    To help you on your way, here's a complete list ofAbstracts & Bios you can use to map out your schedule.

    Are you ready to immerse yourself in the depth and dynamism of integral at its theoretical and practical best? There are many conferences held within the Integral Theory Conference, so design your own and have the experience that suits you best! The sessions you don't get to see in person will be recorded on MP3 and can be ordered, so you can't go wrong.

    One final note: our two previous conferences sold out and the early bird deadline for this one is right around the corner - it ends April 15th. It's great to have your schedule mapped out and to get excited - we are! Just don't forget to register for the event!

    Sincerely yours,

    Mark Forman
    Sean Esbjorn-Hargens
    Jordan Luftig
    Conference Co-Organizers