lundi 30 mars 2009

Fwd: Ken Wilber Integral Meet-UP

Objet : Ken Wilber Integral Meet-UP

Voila un autre lieu pour discuter et apprendre les applications de la Vison Intégrale.  Vous êtes la bienvenue.  Autour de 90% de nos membres parle Français.

Hi All,

I'll be presenting an overview of Wilber's approach to creating an integral world government, ...
http://integrallife.c... and some recent criticism about integral spirituality....http://www.integralwo...

And I'll go over the integral consulting/coaching course I've designed for Findhorn University in Scotland this June if there is any interest, I'll be giving a short version of course in Paris in April, and a special discount for members of the group.

If you want to talk about something else, make a suggestion.


Brian Van der Horst

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