Dear Integral Friends,we proudly present you a body-mind-and-soul-shaking hell of a program for the 1st Integral European Conference.Thematic Sections
During the main conference we have 25 sections, each section 2 hours long, spread through Friday, Saturday and Sunday on each day parallel in 7-10 rooms.
We are proud to present applications and solutions for so many challenges humankind is facing: from psychology & education, ecology & sustainability, leadership & organizational development, transformative community practices & gender issues to coaching and alternative & critical approaches to Integral. We will put further emphasis on psychotherapy, medicine & health, political & academic renewal, finance & economics and of course will give extensive room for spiritual practice & exploration.
Program Details
Holistic Conference Format
Not to forget that this is "just" the main conference block. Our "centauric" conference format aims at connecting all senses, body, mind, spirit and soul. Enjoy delicious (if you wish vegan) regional food, yoga & meditation sessions and plenty of time to connect and network with other fellows at our pre-conference workshops, boat-party, tribal gatherings and Gulyas-Party, the VIP-Dinner and our post-conference Sightseeing Tour that already drew that much attention that we know we are going to fill busloads of people and tour around Hungary!
Keynotes by
- Ken Wilber (via video), world-famous integral philosopher
- Ervin László, philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, founder of the Club of Budapest
- Thomas Hübl, internationally acknowledged spiritual teacher
- Susanne Cook-Greuter, reseacher, leading expert in mature ego development and self-actualization
- Roger Walsh, professor of psychiatry, philosophy, and anthropology, best-selling author and wisdom teacher
- Carine Dartiguepeyrou, member of the Executive board of the Club of Budapest in France, Université intégrale in Paris
- Iker Puente, expert in transpersonal and integral psychology, Professor and researcher, University of Barcelona, Spain
Featured Presenters and Workshop Leaders
Bence Gánti, John Bunzl, Anouk Brack, Raquel Torrent, Eugene Pustoshkin, Peter Merry, Peter Mc Nab, Kazuma Matoba, Sean Wilkinson, Paul Marshall, Matthew Rich, Annick & Nick Hedlund-de-Witt, Stefan Schoch, Veit Lindau
Key Non-European Contributors
Terry Patten, John Dupuy and Marilyn HamiltonWith the coupon code "GOT20" you get 20% off the regular price.
Coupon codes WORK for the following items in your shopping-basket:
• Standard Regular Conference Tickets (non-Early Bird)
• Pre-Conference Workshops
• Day Tickets
Coupon codes DO NOT WORK for the following items in your shopping-basket:
• Individual Meals or Meal Packages
• Welcoming Boat Party
• VIP Party
• Integral Sightseeing Tour
• Full Experience Ticket
Please enter the coupon code while purchasing your ticket. If you got questions please check the FAQ section in the webshop. If you still got questions please call (+36) 30 602 5989.
mercredi 26 mars 2014
1st Integral European Conference!
Fwd: Lettre d'information : mondialisation, civilisations, stratégie
Voici le(s) dernier(s) article(s) publié(s) sur
Civilisation indienne : idées-clefs.
L'histoire de l'Inde est marquée par une suite ininterrompue d'invasions et de brassages de populations : munda, dravidienne, aryenne, musulmane, minorités formées à la culture anglaise. A travers une histoire tumultueuse, le modèle d'organisation et de segmentation sociale des castes a permis à chaque ethnie, à chaque communauté religieuse, de conserver sa culture et sa cohésion, tout en coopérant économiquement et socialement dans un système d'interdépendance et de cloisonnement généralisé. La logique des castes se fonde sur l'histoire d'une civilisation qui a intégré tous les apports extérieurs pour construire une matrice culturelle sophistiquée dont le cloisonnement permet d'articuler des cultures très différentes. Le système des castes et l'hindouisme intègrent une infinité de modèles culturels, en leur permettant de coopérer sans réduire leur diversité. De même, l'hindouisme s'est construit en intégrant tous les courants religieux qui l'ont traversé et se présente maintenant comme un universalisme religieux. Aujourd'hui, avec la montée en puissance de l'Inde, nous assistons au redéploiement politique et économique du système des castes. Phénomène intéressant dans le contexte de la mondialisation, qui consiste justement à faire coexister différentes civilisations ou cultures, sans réduire leur diversité.
mercredi 19 mars 2014
Fwd: Invitation conférence Changements climatiques 2 avril
Bonjour,A l'occasion de la publication du rapport du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) consacré à l'adaptation aux changements climatiques, et du lancement, au sein de l'IRIS, d'un Observatoire géopolitique de la durabilité, l'Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques a le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à la conférence :« S'ADAPTER AUX CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES : PROBLEMATIQUE MAJEURE DE L'APRES KYOTO ? »Mercredi 2 avril 2014, 18h30-20hEspace de conférences de l'IRIS *La conférence-débat sera organisée autour de Amy DAHAN, directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS (Centre Alexandre Koyré), de Jean JOUZEL, paléo-climatologue au Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement (CNRS) et vice-président du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC), et animée parBettina LAVILLE, conseiller d'Etat et directrice de recherche à l'IRIS.Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir vous inscrire en cliquant sur le lien suivant :INSCRIPTION
(inscription obligatoire, dans la limite des places disponibles)En espérant que cette conférence suscitera votre intérêt, nous vous prions d'agréer nos cordiales salutations.L'équipe de l'IRIS* Espace de conférence, 2 bis rue Mercœur, 75011, Paris
Plan d'accès.
Fwd: [PARUTION de la RIS 93] Mondialisation et contestations
ET STRATÉGIQUE N°93Mondialisation et contestationsDossier sous la direction de Didier BillionCes dernières années, les mouvements de contestation sociale et politique se sont multipliés : émeutes de la faim en Afrique, dénonciation des politiques d'austérité économique en Europe, Occupy Wall Street aux États-Unis, Anonymous, indignados, flambées de protestations en Iran, en Turquie et en Amérique latine, onde de choc politique dans le monde arabe. Si peu de continents échappent à ces protestations, existe-t-il des points communs entre les revendications exprimées ? Ces mouvements répondent-ils à des agendas nationaux ou internationaux ? Se concrétisent-ils par des débouchés politiques réels ? Quelle est leur sociologie, notamment dans les pays dits émergents ? Que réclament-ils et que nous disent-ils de l'état actuel de la démocratie représentative ? Assiste-t-on à l'apparition de nouvelles formes d'expression de la contestation sociale ?
Mondialisation et contestations : quels enjeux ?
Entretien avec Didier Billion, directeur adjoint de l'IRIS.SOMMAIRE /
Autre RegardUn artiste de proximité / Entretien avec François MorelÉclairagesChanger ou procrastiner. L'Union européenne face à elle-même en 2014 / Bastien NivetBilan et perspectives de la politique chinoise de la France / Yves-Heng LimLe désamour franco-allemand et l'Europe de la défense / Caroline HertlingDossier : Mondialisation et contestationsIntroduction. Grandeur et misère des mouvements de contestation de la mondialisation libérale / Didier Billion
« Un nouveau cycle s'est ouvert » / Entretien avec Michel Wieviorka
L'altermondialisme, vingt ans après : la grande désillusion / Eddy Fougier
De l'émeute au soulèvement : la révolution n'est plus ce qu'elle était / Alain Bertho
D'Istanbul à Rio, des soulèvements de classe ? / Kivanc Atak
Les identités collectives arabes au temps d'Internet et des réseaux sociaux / Yves Gonzalez-Quijano
Mouvement étudiant et luttes populaires au Québec / Pierre Beaudet
Combats syndicaux et luttes politiques : quelles articulations ? / Annick Coupé
Espagne, Brésil : les indignations évanescentes / Jean-Jacques Kourliandsky
« Pour quelques arbres en moins ». Le soulèvement Gezi à Istanbul, d'expression citoyenne au tournant politique/ Cengiz Aktar
Tahrir 2011-Tahrir 2013 : dynamique de la contestation politique en Égypte / / Hicham Mourad
En librairieLecture critique
Quand la démocratie s'enracine en Amérique latine / Chiara Giordano
RecensionsLes activités de l'IRIS
2 bis, rue Mercœur - 75011 PARIS - FRANCE
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dimanche 16 mars 2014
Fwd: [Emerging Integral Art and Aesthetics]
De: Heinz Robert <>Objet: [Emerging Integral Art and Aesthetics] 16 mars 2014 13:10:38 UTC+1À: Emerging Integral Art and Aesthetics <>Répondre à: Répondre au commentaire <>
Heinz Robert 16 mars 13:09
I'M WIDE AWAKE A documentary on MAGIC, LOVE & AWARENESS By Ara & Aja Pink Davis I'M WIDE AWAKE. Two young girl's making an EPIC documentary to help raise MAGIC, LOVE & AWARENESS fo...Voir la publication sur Facebook · Modifier les paramètres de courrier électronique · Vous pouvez répondre à ce message pour commenter.
samedi 15 mars 2014
Fwd: Findhorn Foundation News - March 2014
Contentment is...?Hello everyone
How are you and what are your plans for today? Are you skiing, swimming, playing with your children, putting out the washing, planning a new business, wading through a load of emails, wondering what's next, watching the Winter Olympics, dreaming, eating pasta … or chocolate, laughing with friends? I love knowing that whatever you're doing and wherever you are, we are all part of the same Gaian living system, and part of a completely interwoven and conscious universe.
You may remember that in my December email the community had chosen the quality of CONTENTMENT for 2014 at the winter solstice ritual. I wonder how you are all going with that…. Contentment is an interesting quality to hold in the midst of world events and some interesting world weather! For me contentment is supported when I surrender control, accept that order and stability are purely transitory and stop resisting what is; and contentment is present when I am using my gifts for meaningful projects. I hope you too can access that nourishing, warm feeling of contentment, at least some of the time.
You may be interested to hear that the live streaming of the winter solstice ritual was the second most widely viewed Findhorn event of 2013 (after Anna Breytenbach) and brought in many new subscriptions to our email list. (How to join this list is at the end of email.)
Spring officially arrived with the Celtic festival of Imbolc, 1 February. The days are noticeably lengthening at Findhorn and The Park and Cluny have been buzzing with spring clean weeks and the general liveliness of Applied Ecovillage Living with participants ranging from 21 to 58 years of age from nine countries – Brazil, Slovenia, Switzerland, Hungary, US, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK.
Another piece of buzzy news is that Park Carpool, begun seven years ago with three cars and 15 members, has grown to become Moray Carshare, a pioneering community-based car club with 47 members and nine cars, including the latest acquisition of two electric cars, helped by a grant from Developing Car Clubs Scotland, funded by the Scottish Government. Still based here at The Park, there is now a charging station funded by Energy Savings Trust Scotland and supplied by clean energy from our four wind turbines. For the full story click here.
A few weeks ago a new series of This is Your Life Findhorn-style began and what better life story with which to begin these surprise celebrations than that of our one surviving co-founder, Dorothy Maclean. The Universal Hall was full and many people, from near and far (including Roger and Catherine Collis and David and Julie Spangler on the big screen) told stories and appreciated Dorothy and her amazing life which has touched us all so powerfully. It ended with a standing ovation, a procession of heart-shaped and flower lanterns surrounded by butterflies and bees and Dorothy looking so happy and beautiful.
(And thanks to those of you who emailed to say how much you enjoyed Dorothy's piece, Loved and Loving, in the last newsletter. If you missed it you can catch it here. For our most recent article on Dorothy, click here.)
I've also been reminded that Peter Caddy, co-founder, died 20 years ago on 18 February in a car crash in Germany. Peter played such a central role in grounding this centre of light and is remembered with awe and affection for his strong principles and forthright manner. We smile as we seek to emulate his three 'P's – patience, persistence and perseverance.
I'm sorry to have missed the happy celebration of Dorothy but I'm excited to be arriving back in Findhorn just in time for Earthsings, 12-19 April. It was a phenomenal success last year and I was so jealous hearing about the wonderful energy created by teacher and performer Kathy Bullock as just one highlight. I hope to see you there as we sing our way to unity and wellbeing via many musical traditions. For a full list of teachers click here.
I also want to bring to your attention – Reconnections@Findhorn: Values-driven leadership for the planetary emergency, 18-22 May. This is a truly inspiring collaboration, bringing together Jonathon Porritt (Forum for the Future),Robin Alfred (Findhorn Consultancy Service),
Kate Rawles (University of Cumbria) and Kosha Joubert (Global Ecovillage Network) – a unique opportunity to reflect on sustainability at personal, professional and organisational levels. Reconnections is not in our brochure so for full details visit our website.
During the Foundation's yearly Internal Conference 6-10 January co-workers played a big group Transformation Game with the intention: We intend to stand firmly in our centre through this time of transition, opening new pathways to a generous, connected, creative culture.
This is a timely intention as we head towards New Story Summit: Inspiring Pathways for our Planetary Future, 27 September – 3 October, a week-long gathering of the global family for a collective inquiry into what a new story for humanity might be. This is a gift economy event, not the first at Findhorn, but also not our usual way, bringing up all the fear and anxiety many of us have around money – as individuals, as organisations and as part of a dysfunctional global economy. It's an interesting place to stand — one foot in the old paradigm of bills to pay and each person looking after his/her financial security from a place of lack and insecurity, and one foot in a paradigm of sharing, trust and plenty for all. We know that if we don't make a leap of faith into the new it will never happen, so we are leaping….
New Story Summit is already sold out with a waiting list as many places are occupied by participants from Africa, South America and Asia. Those of you who registered interest will be invited to book very soon, in order of date of registration.
Although everyone cannot be in the Universal Hall 27 September, the whole world can engage with this exciting theme of a new story for humanity by joining us online during the event viaFindhornLive.
In the lead up to the summit, we would love you to proactively contribute by joining us to build community on our Findhorn New Story Community Facebook page, subscribing to our Findhorn New Story Community YouTube channel and building momentum onTwitter. In this way everyone can participate – the more energy we generate the more powerful an event it will be, building practical foundations reaching far into the future.
If you are finding it challenging to get to Scotland this year, take heart – Judy McAllister offered a Transformation Game Facilitators Training in Thailand in February and then nipped across to Brazil to do the same. In the months ahead you can find everything from Joyful Parenting in Poland, Process Skills Training in Russia and Group Facilitation and Conflict Work in Spain to Sacred Dance in Germany and England. Visit our website for more information.
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, may you feel content.
Love and laughter from all of us here at Findhorn
Yvonne Cuneo
For the Communications Team**If you want to be added to the list to be notified in advance of all webstreamed events please email with your name, country of residence and email address, and 'Please add me to the Findhorn Live mailing list' in the subject line.
12 March 2014
» Join the Network of Friends » Forres and Findhorn are ecological trail blazers » The Gift of St Francis » Dorothy Maclean - 94 years young
We'd love to hear from you. Please email us at to send your comments and feedback.
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mercredi 12 mars 2014
[Club of Budapest] Venez passer avec nous une soirée sur Ecoles et...
Anne Andrault 11 mars 14:02 Venez passer avec nous une soirée sur Ecoles et éducation à Auroville le mercredi 26 mars au Forum 104, Paris, de 19h30 à 21h45, accueil à partir de 19h15.
Auroville s'inspire des concepts de "Libre Progrès" et d'"Education Intégrale" développés par Sri Aurobindo et Mère. Que signifient-ils véritablement ? Que nous évoquent-ils ? écoles éducation inde enfants heureux alternativeVoir la publication sur Facebook · Modifier les paramètres de courrier électronique · Vous pouvez répondre à ce message pour commenter.
Fwd: Kosmos Launches New Website
Click here to read this newsletter on our website.
Kosmos Launches New WebsiteDear Members and Friends of Kosmos,
We want you to be the first to know about our unique new website. We are excited and hope you are too. Our goal is to express the depth and beauty of our award-winning print journal into an easily navigated online website that is updated weekly and includes mixed media. Yes! We will be now be making weekly changes to keep you informed and engaged in all phases of co-creating the new civilization.
We consider you, our subscribers, to be mission-driven as we are. Together we recognize that humanity is in the midst of evolutionary transformation of enormous scale. As old systems break down, we renew our commitment to inform, inspire and engage individual and collective participation in a global shift toward an expanded planetary consciousness and the transformation of societal structures that reflect this shift.
The time has come to make our aspirations a reality. Kosmos online will be a venue for connecting our mutual hopes and concerns with fresh weekly content and a bi-weekly newsletter.
The new website is positioned to utilize the convening power of the digital commons and social media to inform, inspire and engage you, our valued readers. We are excited to feature leading-edge thinkers and evolutionary leaders helping to reveal and give definition to the key questions of our time.
Don't miss the section on our exciting new programs and new staff. You will find stunning visuals in all sections, including those devoted to transforming our institutions—new economics, governance, spirituality, science and more. There's up-to-date news about the Global Citizens Movement, the Commons, Integral Worldviews, Living Earth, People Power and how you can be involved.
Surprise! View Kosmos' first video exclusive, What is a Global Commons?, featuring two leading-edge, evolutionary thinkers, David Bollier and James B. Quilligan.
Print and Digital subscribers will be able to access all articles, back issues and galleries from our print journals and newsletters. For others there will be access to the site and 3 free articles as well as Creative Commons licensed articles .
Welcome to our new Webmaster, Karen MacKenzie. A big thank you for the fabulous job you did designing and developing our new website with the help of our new communications consultant, Rhonda Fabian.
With a warm welcome we invite you, our readers and supporters, to visit, and to invite your friends to the site, write about it in Facebook and Twitter and help us get the word out to new friends.
Please send us an email ( about what you think about the site. Is the layout functional? Is it aesthetic? Does it meet your needs and our mutual mission? What could we add to make it more useful and effective to you?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Warm wishes,
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