mardi 31 décembre 2013

Fwd: Colibris écrit une nouvelle page de son histoire

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De: Le Mouvement Colibris <>
Objet: Colibris écrit une nouvelle page de son histoire
Date: 29 décembre 2013 21:28:46 UTC−8

Colibris écrit une nouvelle page de son histoire
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Chère colibri, Cher colibri,

Nous souhaitons profiter de cette fin d'année, et l'arrivée de nombreux nouveaux colibris, pour revenir sur la mission de Colibris, partager avec vous là où nous en sommes et vers où nous pensons qu'il est essentiel d'aller. L'histoire de Colibris s'est écrite avec vous et ne pourra continuer sans vous.

Colibris a pour mission d'Inspirer, Relier et Soutenir toutes les personnes qui souhaitent participer à la construction d'un nouveau projet de société écologique et humain.


Inspirer, c'est mettre en lumière le maximum d'initiatives qui participent à changer le paysage de la société. Pour cela, nous avons développé des outils d'information et de sensibilisation, co-produit des films comme Solutions Locales pour un Désordre Global réalisé par Coline Serreau, co-créé le magazine Kaizen et co-édité avec Actes Sud la collection de livres Domaine du Possible. Cette mission nous est chère car elle permet de toucher un large public et participe à faire évoluer les consciences. Un nouveau projet de film est en cours de réalisation, Demain, écrit et réalisé par Cyril Dion, co-fondateur de Colibris et Mélanie Laurent, actrice et réalisatrice.


Relier, c'est offrir la possibilité de se rencontrer à tous ceux qui agissent ou qui souhaitent agir. Ensemble, on va plus loin, dit l'adage, alors Colibris a lancé dès sa création des animations originales propices à la coopération et à la mise en action. Et ça fonctionne : une monnaie locale à Strasbourg, un éco-village près de Lorient, une école à pédagogie coopérative dans le Périgord… autant d'initiatives citoyennes qui ont fleuri ces dernières années et qui ont contribué à engager la transition de notre société.

Dans un même temps, le réseau des colibris s'est largement développé. Aujourd'hui plus de 90 collectifs colibris se sont créés localement en France métropolitaine mais aussi en Belgique, en Suisse et dernièrement à Tahiti. Et ce n'est que le début !


Soutenir enfin… Colibris est aujourd'hui mature et suffisamment puissant pour engager la prochaine grande étape du mouvement. Il s'agit maintenant d'accompagner les personnes engagées dans un projet de transition. La mission est de taille : créer une Université Colibris qui proposera à chacun un apprentissage complet pour acquérir les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires à la réalisation de son projet. Vous souhaitez créer une école, une monnaie locale, vous lancer dans l'agroécologie, construire un éco-village…? Colibris veut proposer maintenant des cursus de formations pour vous accompagner et vous soutenir tout au long de votre projet.


Cette mission ambitieuse est apparue comme une évidence. Nous avons besoin de vous pour l'engager dans des conditions optimales. Nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à vouloir reprendre notre pouvoir, alors donnons-nous les moyens d'agir efficacement. Votre participation financière garantit l'indépendance du mouvement et nous permet de répondre aux enjeux de notre société.

La (R)évolution est en marche, continuons ensemble à montrer qu'un autre monde est possible.

Nous vous souhaitons à tous une douce et belle fin d'année,

L'équipe Colibris,
Céline, Bernard, Marianne, Caroline, Greg, Anne-Laure, Alain, Isabelle et Pierre


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jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Fwd: Kosmos Newsletter: Emerging Global Governance and News

Kosmos Newsletter
Creating the New Civilization for the Common Good 
December 19, 2013

SUBSCRIBE: print or digital 

Buy current issue here

Dear Kosmos Friends, 

This time it is different! The New Year used to be a time of new resolutions and a fresh start. This year it is the end of the old that is central. As we enter Phase II of Kosmos with our new emphasis on the Internet, we find ourselves clearing out and letting go of the past years of accumulation. The amazing thing is that this is happening in our personal lives as well. 

My house, also the headquarters of Kosmos, is filled with sawdust from the refinished floors. Our belongings are strewn all over awaiting delivery to Goodwill. We are in a mess! But we are not alone. As I speak one-to-one with my closest colleagues, I find they are in the midst of a major clearing out as well.

In short, we are emptying out and making space for the transformation to the new compassionate and thriving planetary civilization in both our personal and professional lives. 

I imagine that many of you are doing the same. 

Joyful Holiday Greetings to All,



Kosmos is proud to say that we are located in the Great Barrington Community area where the power of local communities is coming alive with the work of Susan Witt and the Schumacher Center for New Economics. We are also close enough to New York City to engage in our global work at the United Nations. This documentary tells the story of the pioneering community in which we are located.

Coming Home: E.F. Schumacher and the Reinvention of Local Community


We are awakening to how much power we the people actually have.

When we hear people despairing about how helpless they feel in the face of corporate power, we could refer them to this article. "It was a textbook example of a corporation looking to buy an election result. After spending $1 million in a failed attempt to stifle local energy freedom in 2011, Xcel Energy poured over $500,000 of ratepayer money into a ballot measure to hamstring Boulder, Colo.'s exploration of a locally owned alternative to the largely fossil-fueled monopoly utility…"

Read People Power Beats Corporate Utility 2-to-1 in Boulder.
By Ron Israel, Founder, The Global Citizens' Initiative 

A major focus of Kosmos Associates is building world community and global citizenship for the new civilization. Ron Israel is one of our committed partners in this endeavor. Kosmos published Part 1  of this series on November 21, 2013. We highly recommend you read Part 2.


Robertson Work asks us this question in a comprehensive article delivered at the UN Global Forum on Public Service. I met Robertson several years ago and was impressed by his years of dedicated experience at the UN. He exuded a presence that attracted me. I wanted to meet him and to learn about the wisdom his years of global experience engendered. You will learn why in this article.

Read Promoting Participatory Governance.

By Christine Townend

Kosmos fell in love with Christine's moving story about a wild elephant from the perspective of the elephant and her reaction to his mistreatment. We had invited her to write about her long-time experience saving abused and abandoned animals in India. In addition to an informative article on animal rights in Kosmos Spring/Summer 2013 Issue, we found a book of stories she had written. We wanted to share one of them with you.

Read The Great Wild Elephant.
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Kosmos Journal is a non-profit, private foundation that informs, inspires, engages and connects individuals and organizations working to create a sustainable, equitable, just and compassionate new world civilization.


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Kosmos Associates Inc. | PO Box 2102 | Lenox | MA | 01240

mercredi 18 décembre 2013

Fwd: The Emergence of Integral Consciousness, in Europe

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Objet: The Emergence of Integral Consciousness, in Europe
Date: 18 décembre 2013 05:56:40 UTC−8
À: "kevin.solinski" <>


I'm forwarding you some information on the 1st Integral European Conference.
I hope you'll be able to join us there. In case you can't join us, please help us spread the word to your friends :-).

With Love,



Announcement  of the 1st Integral European Conference

From Mai 8-11th 2014, the first integral European conference IEC 2014 will take place in Budapest titled „The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe". It is hosted by Integral Europe, local host is the Integral Academy in Hungary. ( The team, Bence Ganti and Dennis Wittrock, is supported by the Spanish partner organisation Asociacion Integral Española, and the German Integrales Forum e.V. 

The organisers are expecting 500 participants from all over Europe and the rest of the world, including ITC-organiser Mark Forman (Quote: „Watershed moment for Integral itself!") and Terry Patten, who have both already announced their participation. As one of the first keynote speakers, the renowned adult development research scientist Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter has already been determined. 

The conference offers three main strands: academic contributions, general presentations and experiential workshops. This is supplemented by poster presentations and opportunities for exploring the shared collective space, such as social gatherings and local sightseeing („Integral Tourope").

The aim of the organisers is to bring together the entire European integral scene for the first time, to view and appreciate its potential. The corresponding „Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops and Posters" can be downloaded here . See you in Budapest!

Integral Europe:

Conference Website:

Eventpage on Facebook:



OUR OFFER: Become an integral part of the most cutting-edge Integral Conference in Europe – the first of its kind: The 1st Integral European Conference 2014, May 8-11th in Budapest, Hungary. Support our important conference titled "The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe" and drive your own organization's success as our esteemed sponsorship partner.

Gain visibility for your products and services for a large, international audience (an estimated 500-700 people) coming from all over Europe and beyond! We offer a broad range of interesting options for all kinds of companies, organizations or individuals. Thrive and help us to thrive!

If you are interested too, please contact us: We're happy to send you more information on sponsorship ranks and benefits.


lundi 16 décembre 2013

Fwd: [1st Integral European Conference] NOW OPEN: IEC 2014 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

Integral Europe
Integral Europe16 décembre 03:45

OUR OFFER: Become an integral part of the most cutting-edge Integral Conference in Europe – the first of its kind: The 1st Integral European Conference 2014, May 8-11th in Budapest, Hungary. Support our important conference titled "The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe" and drive your own organization's success as our esteemed sponsorship partner.

Gain visibility for your products and services for a large, international audience (an estimated 500-700 people) coming from all over Europe and beyond! We offer a broad range of interesting options for all kinds of companiers, organizations or individuals. Thrive and help us to thrive!

If you are interested too, please contact us: We're happy to send you more information on sponsorship ranks and benefits.

Voir la publication sur Facebook · Modifier les paramètres de courrier électronique · Vous pouvez répondre à ce message pour commenter.

Bien amicalement,

TEL : +33 6 78 72 30 29
skype : michelsaloffcoste

vendredi 13 décembre 2013

Fwd: [1st Integral European Conference] We're so excited to finally release our "IEC 2014...

Integral Europe
Integral Europe12 décembre 14:09
We're so excited to finally release our "IEC 2014 – Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops & Posters"
Please feel free to forward and share! Help us get the word out, please. SHARING IS CARING
Stay tuned for the launch of our official conference website, too.
IEC 2014 – Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops & Posters
PDF DOWNLOAD: IEC2014_Call_For_Papers Ok, integral friends, *drumroll* here comes our long-awaited ...

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