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  1. [PPT]

    Five Processes - Spiral Dynamics > Home

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    Spiral Dynamics® is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual framework for understanding the cores of human thinking. Based on the original work of Dr. Clare W. Graves ... - Pages similaires -
  2. [PPT]

    Spiral Dynamics & Policy Governance Consulting

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    Not rigid levels, but flowing waves with much overlap and interweaving, resulting in a meshwork or dynamic spiral of consciousness unfolding. ... -
  3. [PPT]

    Slide 1 - איפ"א - עמוד הבית

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    Spiral Dynamics. 1st. Tier. 2nd. Tier. Archaic (Beige): Survival/Sense. Automatic, autistic, instinctual; Centers around satisfaction of human biological ... -
  4. [PPT]

    ColdFusion Security

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    Based on theory of spiral dynamics for human society development ... "Spiral Dynamics" by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan; ... -
  5. [PPT]

    Self-Knowledge: Foundation for Effective Helping

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    Spiral Dynamics: A Context for Communication. Clare Graves. Don Beck & Chris Cowan. Ken Wilber. ... Spiral Dynamics. The Eight-Stage Spiral of Development ... -
  6. [PPT]

    Slide 1 -

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    Co-authored Spiral Dynamics; Made significant contribution toward the abolishment of ... Spiral Dynamics Integral. Offers a incisive, dynamic perspective on ... -
  7. [PPT]

    References -

     - 05/07/09 - [ Traduire cette page ]
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    Spiral Dynamics Integral. References & Links. Nikolai Kondratieff. Nikolai Kondratieff ... Chris Cowan (Spiral Overview. Resources. Integral ... Links.ppt -
  8. [PPT]

    Integral Studies & Cinema A Seminar for AFI

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    Spiral Dynamics I and II Certification/Practitioner Manual. Pine II, B. Joseph and James H. Gilmore (1999). The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every ... - Pages similaires -
  9. [PPT]

    Sustainability – Why Bother?

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    Aka 'Spiral Dynamics'; Preferences for processes of thinking; Not a typology .... 'Spiral Dynamics – mastering leadership, values and change' – Beck & Cowan ... -
  10. [PPT]

    PowerPoint Format - Beyond Intractability - More Constructive ...

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    Conflict Spiral Model. Escalation results from a vicious. circle of action and reaction ... During escalation the dynamics. of the relationship between ... - Pages similaires -
  11. [PPT]

    Slide 1

     - 05/07/09 - [ Traduire cette page ]
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    Applying Spiral Dynamics. Read the vMEMEs; Communicate with the vMEMEs; Organize through the vMEMEs; Manage to the vMEMEs. Recruit, select, train, place etc ... -
  12. [PPT]

    First Tier

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    The World Wide Web - Go to for a whole lot more information or type in Spiral Dynamics; Ken Wilber - A Brief Theory of Everything ... -
  13. [PPT]

    The star formation history and rotation curve of spiral galaxies

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    The morphological dependent Tully-Fisher relation of spiral galaxies. Shiyin Shen ... Effects from dynamics (Vmax) or stellar population (M)? Shiyin Shen ... - Pages similaires -
  14. [PPT]

    Longitudinal Dynamics

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    In relativistic dynamics, energy and momentum satisfy the relation: ... Here below is an artist view of the spiral shaped poles and the radio-frequency ... -
  15. [PPT]

    The Dynamics of Stellar Mergers

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    Dynamics are always similar: Bow-shock structure around the companion, spirals in, spiral density wave transports angular momentum and mass outward ... -
  16. [PPT]

    Diapositive 1

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    From actinides to super-heavy elements with SPIRAL 2: reaction dynamics and structure (Paul Greenlees). 5. Fusion reactions: A probe of multidimensional ... -
  17. [PPT]

    Présentation PowerPoint

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    SPIRAL. Structure and the dynamics of nuclei. Nature of the nucleonic matter. KEEP THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVITY OF GANIL. SPIRAL2 project ... - Pages similaires -
  18. [PPT]

    Exploring Properties of Dark and Visible Mass Distribution on ...

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    24 May 2005 ... role of gravity in thermalization processes… better understanding of galaxy cluster dynamics… better understanding of spiral galaxy dynamics ... -
  19. [PPT]

    Guiding Dynamics in Potential Games - Faculty of Computing and ...

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    Entire set of players follows best-response dynamics from then on. .... or a few byzantine players, could behavior spiral out of control? Direction #2 ... -
  20. [PPT]

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    Quantum spin dynamics of cold atoms in an optical lattice. Dynamical Instability of the Spiral State of F=1 Ferromagnetic Condensate ...
  21. [PPT]

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    Map Alumni hubs of barriers to system integration: spiral dynamics, Open space, intangible capitals, conflict resolution methods. Chris Macrae/ ...
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  22. [PPT]

    SPIRAL 2 Science

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    Neutrons For Science at SPIRAL 2 "nTOF - like" facility .... Dynamics and thermodynamics of charge asymmetric nuclear matter. 2.1. Thermodynamical aspects ... - Pages similaires -
  23. [PPT]

    The Psychology of Social Evolution

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    The Spiral Dynamics of Evolution. The Hypocrisy of Plato & The Ethics & Ontology of Capitalism. Plato's Distain for Marketing & Sales; Moral Obligation to ... -
  24. [PPT]

    The Space Density of Spiral Galaxies as f(magnitude, size and ...

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    spiral galaxies corrected for selection effects (de Jong & Lacey 2000) ... Stellar M/Ls needed to do dynamics in situations where we have more matter than ... -
  25. [PPT]

    The Dynamics of Pediatric Physical Abuse

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    Dynamics of Abuse. Economic difficulties; Poor housing; Unemployment; Illness; Crowding .... Spiral fractures. Older literature "suggestive of abuse" ... - Pages similaires -
  26. [PPT]

    The Relative Ages of M5 and Pal 4/Eridanus from their Horizontal ...

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    Spiral Galaxies. Structure & Dynamics: Disk + Spheroid. Supported by relatively rapid rotation, but in the spheroid - random motions. ~10-20% gas ... -
  27. [PPT]

    Integral Psychology Integrating Philosophy, Religion and Psychology

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    Model 4: Graves' Developmental Theory/Spiral Dynamics (Beck & Cowan). Development "is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process. ... - Pages similaires -
  28. [PPT]

    MOND What is it? Why won't it go away

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    Milky Way model from gas dynamics. HI 21-cm (l,v) diagrams. Circular orbit at radius R: ... Fit M/L and Ω in potentials of bar and of spiral to gas dynamics ... - Pages similaires -
  29. [PPT]

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    (Graves) - Spiral Dynamics. Four Phase Model (Hardjono); European Model for Business Excellence (EFQM); INK Management Model; Business Balanced Scorecard ...
  30. [PPT]

    SPIRAL 2 on the ESFRI list

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    Nuclear dynamics. Nuclear Astrophysics. Interdisciplinary Researches : ... LoI SPIRAL 2 –A very positive response of the International community ... MICINN-Jan09.ppt - Pages similaires -
  31. [PPT]

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    Galaxy basics : scales, components, dynamics; Galaxy interactions & star ... Generate bulges (spiral + spiral = elliptical); Gas goes to the centre (loses ...
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  32. [PPT]

    Cultural and symbolic dynamics

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    4 Apr 2006 ... Leonardo's "Last Supper": Horizontal, vertical, diagonal (spiral). ... Cross -cultural dynamics of the central motive: group on a table ... ppt - Pages similaires -
  33. [PPT]

    Freeman_DM1.ppt - ANU - Research School of Astronomy and ...

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    potential gradient of the disk in almost every spiral. Athanassoula et al (1987) used spiral structure dynamics to. give a dynamical constraint on the ... - Pages similaires -
  34. [PPT]

    Aging nearby spiral galaxies using H-alpha to UV flux ratios ...

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    Compression triggers protostar formation; Meanwhile spiral density wave keeps ... stellar proerties: mass loss, spectral output, plasma/gas dynamics &c. ... -
  35. [PPT]

    Simulating the Emotion Dynamics of a Multimodal Conversational Agent

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    Dynamic component: Conceptual linkage of emotions and moods; Categorization: ... Physical simulation of two spiral springs with spring constants dx and dy ... -
  36. [PPT]

    The Nature of Light: What is a Photon

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    20 Apr 2007 ... Spiral Patterns indicate a non-equilibrium dissipative system of Pfaff Topological Dimension 4 with irreversible non-Hamiltonian dynamics ... -
  37. [PPT]

    Gravitational Dynamics

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    Ellip/Spiral/Dwarf galaxies. Views of Milgrom & Sanders, Sanders & McGaugh. AS4021 Gravitational Dynamics. 75. What have we learned? ... -
  38. [PPT]


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    Orbital Dynamics. Oded Aharonson. Kepler's Laws .... Micron-sized particles (or below) are blown out, cm-sized particles spiral inwards ... -
  39. [PPT]


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    Nutrient Dynamics. Nutrient Spiraling. Biotic Controls - autotrophs. spiral length control is dominated by autotrophs and heterotrophic microbes. ... 2009%20Nutrient%20Sprial%20Chemistry%20Lecture%20set%202.ppt -
  40. [PPT]

    Slajd 1

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    Application – protonotherapy; Scaling FFAG – constant tunes, well defined beam dynamics; Spiral FFAG – compactness – no negative bending ... -
  41. [PPT]

    Great Migrations & other natural history tales

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    internal disk dynamics: local dust release + avalanche .... on a coupled gas+ dust system that has a spiral density wave with. wave numbers (k,m/r), ... -
  42. [PPT]

    Dark Matter: Early Considerations

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    Zasov 'Masses of spiral galaxies'. Fesenko 'Difficulties of the study of dynamics of galaxy systems'. Novikov 'Physical nature of galactic coronae' ... -
  43. [PPT]

    Complex Biomedical Signals

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    Spiral Waves in Excitable Media. From: J. Walleczek, ed. Self-Organized Biological Dynamics and Nonlinear Control. Cambridge University Press, 2000. ... - Pages similaires -
  44. [PPT]

    Understanding Buyer Motivation

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    In Spiral Dynamics® these systems are correlated to colors: Red; Blue; Orange; Green. *Note these are adapted from research from Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. ... - Pages similaires -
  45. [PPT]

    The Communication of Foresight

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    The work of P. Hayward; Spiral Dynamics; Cultural creatives; Importance of Integral Futures. Knowledge traditions. Techno-Scientific - instrumental ... -
  46. [PPT]

    EURISOL technical challenges: Accelerators

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    25 Sep 2007 ... SPIRAL-2 philosophy : Smoothest beam dynamics (regular FDO lattice, low number of -sections), Modular solution and simple cryostats, ... -
  47. [PPT]

    PDE Conference

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    Solving the PDE equations in fluid dynamics has proved difficult, even impossible .... a) Spiral case. b) Stator. c) Wicket gate. d) Impeller. e) Draft tube ... -
  48. [PPT]


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    (Leadership/Spiral dynamics/Consciousness). Paradigm extension. Trajectory creation. Heretical insights. Criteria for selecting a good research topic ( based ... -
  49. [PPT]

    Importance of Photochemical Processes in the Sea

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    Ekman found an exact solution to the structure of an Ekman Spiral ... Ekman dynamics balance wind stress, vertical friction & Coriolis; Then only force will ... -
  50. [PPT]

    Materia oscura e gas anomalo nella galassia a spirale NGC 4559

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    Direct estimate of the mass distribution (in spiral galaxies). dynamical mass ... Modified Newtonian Dynamics. (g/a0) = gn. a0 = 10-8 cm/s2 ... -

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