jeudi 23 mai 2013

Fwd: [Denmark 1813 - from Crisis to Opportunity] Danish writer gathers latest scientific research...

Danish writer gathers latest scientific...
Helle Solvang23 mai 14:01
Danish writer gathers latest scientific research and results showing that empathy and compassion is at the core of human beings and that our structures and systems has ruined it. We have to rediscover. Also results shows that we are connected even more than it was realized before. This is ancient and obvious knowlegde, but the break-through is that is now scientifically proved and documentet. I interview Tor Norretranders in a hospital - the tower of empathy - today in my language-laboratory. Sorry, it is in Danish. Be also aware that Nadia Pass, who was with us in Gilleleje, has opened a project around this particular book asking people questions about the meaning of empati in their lives. She created a facebook-site VÆR NÆR, where you can share your experience and stories. Most relevant for our planerar work on connecting and igniting people.
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